Videos > The Big Wall Mural – Mayfield Project 2014

12 November, 2014

The Big Wall mural was a commission to build a vibrant new gateway mural for the ex-mining towns of Mayfield and Easthouses, located just southeast of Edinburgh. 60m long and flanking the main road into town, the mural’s theme was chosen was to celebrate the local ‘Gala’ day. 

The goal was to produce a painting that would involve the community as much as possible so they felt a sense of ownership over it. Throughout the project, over 300 children ranging in age from 4 to 17 years participated, drawn from the main four local schools; Mayfield, St. Lukes & Lawfield Primary Schools and Newbattle High School. Local apprentices from McSense (Mayfield Community Self-Employed Natural Collective Exercise) helped manufacture the mini roof for the picture and the 54 supporting boards that it was built upon.