Videos > Oz Bar Edinburgh 2016

24 October, 2016

The Oz Bar has been serving Edinburgh for more than twenty years and it has a strong legacy of artwork, including a boxing kangaroo and a few mini murals dotted around the premises. I was asked me to come in and give the place a brand new street art edge, smartening up the main space and toilets whilst retaining the pub’s character.

This spray work project features various dangerous Australian animals (including spiders, crocodiles and jelly fish) alongside some of the Oz Bar’s well-established artwork, and the new additions blend seamlessly with the old, making it feel like it’s always been that way. Since the project was completed there has been an exponential increase in business – alongside the Edinburgh natives, students and tourists have come in droves and the pub is always lively, but not at the expense of their regulars’ happiness. The Oz Bar is set for a new and exciting phase of trade and it’s great to know the artwork has made a difference.